chevy monster devil gravel harry grate plague devils demon satan daemon lucifer cavalier nettle genius dun rag torment ogre deuce loved fret diabolical diabolic demoniac fiend butter-and-eggs ruffle beelzebub chevvy annoy the devil invocation deviling dickens bother deviled devilled devilling daimon get at get to heller hellion irritate nark old nick prince of rile the tempter troublemaker vex diabolism bedevil peeve rankle antagonise antagonize crucify eat into frustrate incubus mephistophelian tantalize beset chivvy chivy devilize elephant-tusk harass hassle molest provoke satanophany succubus archenemy archfiend argemone argemone mexicana blue toadflax blueweed cacodaemon cacodaemonomania cacodemon caltrop cloot clootie conjuration conjuring conjury deil demidevil demonolatry devil-diver devil dog devil worshiper deviless devilet devilise devilishly